Our history

The History of Elders Mediation Solutions

Our history

Elders Mediation Solutions is the specialist arm of North West Mediation Solutions, which was founded in 2006 by Peter Whitman . 

Peter’s legal administrative career commenced in the late 1960s within Courts of Quarter Session which, in 1972 became the Crown Court, acting as an High Court Associate. In 1983, he was appointed Senior Clerk to the newly formed barristers’ chambers at 14 Winckley Square in Preston, steering it through its formative years until 1991, when he became clerk to 8 King Street Chambers, remaining there until his retirement in 2005. 

Peter maintains his links with all areas of the profession in the north west through membership of the Manchester Claims Association, being a past Chairman. Our membership of the Federation of Small Businesses ensures that he is in contact with the “business world”, as does NWMS membership of the Manchester Chamber of Commerce.

Peter is focused on making the mediation process as stress-free as possible, and his 40 years of experience in the legal sector ensure the highest standards of administration and client care.
The Mediation Solutions Group provides accredited, innovative mediators who understand business and appreciate that facilitating agreement between the parties is highly beneficial to those parties. 

The administration is dealt with locally and by Victoria who is a solicitor with over 9 years' experience, 6 of those in mediation, and is the first and final point of contact in the provision of a suitable mediator. She will:
  • arrange pre-mediation discussions with the chosen mediator, if required 
  • liaise between the parties and the mediator in relation to documents etc.
  • liaise between, and on behalf of the parties and their legal respresentatives, in the arranging of an appropriate date for the mediation, if necessary
  • arrange appropriate accommodation and ancillary facilities, if required .

Expert Team

Your mediation will be handled by experts every time. We make sure you have the most experienced mediators working with you. 

Quality Guaranteed

You’ll find the support you need to make sure that things runs smoothly. We’re here to help you with any questions.
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